Earth Holder Retreat at Deer Park
Nestled in the chaparral of Southern California, this 4-Day Mindfulness Retreat (April 28, 2016 – May 1, 2016) will be led by the monastics of Deer Park Monastery and Order of Interbeing members of the Earth Holder Sangha in the Plum Village Tradition.
We welcome everyone with love and care for the Earth to participate in this mindfulness retreat, all who aspire to nurture and deepen our connection with the Earth, everyone who wants to learn about and embrace the suffering caused by Climate Injustice, all who want to be a participant in reducing our collective contribution to Climate Change, who want to contribute to a collective awakening in society in order to reduce suffering.
Our connection with ourselves, the Earth and each other will be nourished and explored in daily sitting, walking and eating meditation sessions. We will also receive teachings to look into the suffering and transformation of suffering relating to Climate Change and Inequity. In sharing groups and workshops we will learn from each other’s experience, including how to live more sustainably (internally and externally), how we can maintain our engagement and skillfully engage in activism. Together as a spiritual family we will enjoy the embrace of the mountains and chaparral.
When we allow Earth to hold us in Her love, we will be able to hold Earth in return.
The Earth Holder Retreat in inspired by and builds on Thay’s books The World We Have, Love Letter to Mother Earth and Good Citizens, which are helpful pre-reading.
Registration open now. please share this post and print this flyer.
5 responses to “Taking Care of the Earth”
Can a person just come for a day? Hope so…
Dear Jean ~ we request that participants for this retreat commit to the entire four days of the retreat. If you’d like to come for the day, it may be possible to come on Sunday as part of the Day of Mindfulness.
I am having trouble with the link for registering. I just get a blank page! Is it just me?
Thank you ~
I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting the link to work. It is functioning – here it is again, – but you can also try clicking on the navigation menu above by selecting Visit then Register for a Retreat
I am looking for ‘classes ‘. How do I begin to really learn other than reading (which I love to do ? Are there CD audio with the teachings or speaches? Namaste.