Dreaming of Thầy Dreaming
Dear Friends on the Path, I hope you enjoy this digital painting. It was inspired by Thầy’s account of a dream he once had in which he was a music […]
Deer Park Featured in Union-Tribune
On Sunday, November 8, the San Diego Union-Tribune offered two articles in recognization of our 20-year anniversary.
Online Days of Mindfulness
From November through January, we will be offering an online Day of Mindfulness each Sunday. Beginning at 5:45am with sitting meditation.
Face-to-Face Ceremony – Livestream
Following a tradition that dates back to the Buddha’s time, each year the Deer Park fourfold Sangha has a 3-month Rains Retreat. The monastic brothers and sisters use this time […]
Counting Sticks Ceremony – Livestream
Following a tradition that dates back to the Buddha’s time, each year the Deer Park fourfold Sangha has a 3-month Rains Retreat. The monastic brothers and sisters use this time […]
20 Year Anniversary Book: For You
Dear Friends of the Monastery,
On Break from Live Stream
Dear Friends, Deer Park will take a short break from live-streaming activities on Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17. Live-streaming will resume on our Facebook page at 5 PM […]