Full Broadcast of 2-Year Memorial Ceremony in Vietnam (English commentary)
Ceremony of Transformation to Ancestor Honoring Thay as he becomes the 5th Patriarch of Từ Hiếu Temple, and the founder of the Plum Village Sangha In January 2024, Thay’s monastics and […]
A Thousand Miles, One Home
Authors: Sister Xướng Nghiêm and Brother Trời Bát Nhã Thầy’s monastics and lay disciples from around the world are gathering in Vietnam to honor our beloved teacher as he becomes […]
Deepen Your Practice: Awareness of the Mind/Mental Formations
This month, we delve into the practice “Awareness of Mind” which is the third of four foundations of mindfulness laid out in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta in the Pali Canon–the others […]
3 Months of Mindfulness: Rains Retreatants Tell All
As we approach the end of our annual 90-Day Rains Retreat, it is with gratitude and joy that we share stories of four Rains Retreat participants. They share their hearts […]
Hidden Mountain Record – Issue #1 Published!
Hidden Mountain Record is Deer Park Monastery’s new annual publication that tells the stories and highlights of how mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism are evolving at Deer Park over the past […]
Deepen Your Practice: Mindfulness of Feelings
The 2nd Establishment of Mindfulness teaches us how to have mindfulness of feelings – pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral. Our feelings—pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral—can have a physical, physiological, or psychological root. […]
Peace Offering to the Land Ancestors
Peace Offering to the Land AncestorsNov. 23rd, 2023 Oak Grove Sanctuary, Deer Park Monastery Dear Land Ancestors, We, the monastic and lay practitioners of Deer Park Monastery, on this […]
In Gratitude, an Eggroll Offering
Every Thanksgiving, the Deer Park community shows gratitude to the fire department, police department, lay friends, and local businesses who have supported them throughout the year by preparing thousands of […]
Get to Know Our Novice Monastics at Deer Park Monastery
On September 24, 2023, six aspirants of Deer Park Monastery became novice monastics of the Toyon Family in a beautiful and moving ordination ceremony in the Ocean of Peace Meditation Hall.
Deepen Your Practice: Four Ways to Establish Mindfulness
We are starting a monthly installment with tips on how to deepen your mindfulness practice. This month, we share four ways to establish mindfulness in your daily life by offering […]